Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

We had a great week at the beach for Memorial Day! Looking forward to a lot of beach time this summer!

Summer Fun

Just a few photos of the boys enjoying the summer!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Will's "Pretend" Birthday Party at School

We had a "pretend/early" birthday party for Will at school today so he can celebrate at school with his classmates before they get out for the summer. He was so excited and had the biggest smile on his face.

Beach Fun

We had a super fun weekend at the beach to celebrate Mother's Day, Uma's birthday, and our 7th Anniversary.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Backyard Fun

We are in the process of getting our backyard landscaped so the boys will have a fun place to play (fenced in). Right now it is a little boys wonderland - tractors, big dirt piles, and "workers" as Will calls them. He is already calling it his ball field and says he's going to be a "Red Sox." I'll be sure to add some pictures of Sam once the sod is down and he can crawl around.