Monday, June 30, 2008

Soccer Will

Will started playing soccer this weekend and had so much fun! It's just too cute seeing the little munchkins out there running around!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Beach and Summer Camp

Will was excited to go to Summer Camp this morning. He'll go every day this week for a few hours. I can't get over how excited he was to go.

We had a great week at the beach! The best part was Uma's great report!!!!!! We are looking forward to the beach next week for the 4th!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Walking & Cooling Off

LOOK! I'm standing by myself. Sam has taken a few steps...

The boys enjoying a popsicle - trying to stay cool!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The Boys

"Hey Sam, how many more pictures do you think Mommy is going to take?"

Tired of posing...

Monday, June 9, 2008

Will's 3rd Birthday Party

Here are a few photos from Will's party. He had such a great time!

We are pretty sure he is thinking "when are they going to be finished singing so I can eat cake."

Sneaking a little icing before the cake was cut...
This is so good!
Nothing like cooling off with a cupcake
I love making banana splits!
The jumpy is just so much fun!

Happy Sam!

Here's a cute photo of Sam enjoying all the weekend party festivities!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Will!

Will had a great birthday! We had a family pizza party and he opened a few presents. He's still looking forward to his big party on Saturday! Here are a few photos from his birthday cupcakes.

Busy Sam

Sam busy playing with Legos!