Monday, July 28, 2008

Back Together...

The boys had fun today being back together after they were apart for a full 53 hours... : )

Sam is King of the Castle...for a weekend!

Uma and Pops took Will to the beach for the weekend so Sam got to see what it was like to be the king of the castle for a weekend. He enjoyed his trips to Home Depot with Daddy and other fun stuff, but I know he missed his brother (at least a little bit). :) Here are a few photos of Sam from the weekend.

Baseball isn't as much fun without my brother!

Just chillin out! So happy to play!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Chillin Out at the Pool

The boys taking a break after lots of swimming!

Sam loves to chill out!

Monday, July 14, 2008

So much fun!

We have had a great summer! We just enjoyed a week with Nana here ... Will loved having someone to play ball with him ALL day long. Here are a few recent photos of some of our summer time fun.

Off to the pool...

Can't get enough baseball...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We had a great week at the beach for the 4th! Here are my little beach bums...

Will looking for someone to play tennis with him...
Sam taking more steps on the 4th!

Boating boys! This was Sam's first trip on the boat. He loved it so much he fell asleep on the ride back to the marina.

Will is just too excited to go fishing...