Monday, August 25, 2008


Here are the sunflowers that Will planted earlier this summer...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Science in Maine

While we were at Nana's, Dr. JoJo and Dr. Tussy (Chris) conducted quite a few science experiments for Will and Sam. Will even got a lab coat with his name and they both got some cool lab goggles! It was so wonderful, and Will is still talking about it. They loved it! Here are some cute photos of the SCIENCE FUN! : )

Can you beleive all this stuff was set up for us?

Will loved the "poke (smoke)!"
Mr. Science Sam!
Will is just mesmorized...
Is this the correct result?
This is cool stuff!

Fun in Maine at Nanas!

The boys (and mom and dad) had so much fun in Maine visiting Nana! The beach was great, it was so fun being with Nana, Auntie JoJo and Uncle Chris, and Will loved the train the ride with Nana! Here are a few photos of the fun...

Here are the boys at the airport!

Nana and her boys...

Maine beach boys!

Lots of Summer Activities

Here are photos from the past few weeks of our busy, fun-filled summer!

Happy Sam reading a book...
Fun with the sprinkler... Will has to pick it up and spray everyone!

Spraying Sam in the face...

Waiting to get nerve to run through the sprinkler...

Two boys with very different expressions...Will (Monster Face) and Sam (Not-sure-about-this Face).

Pops and Sam enjoying the beach!

My too-cool beach boy...
Just taking a break from all the fun...