Thursday, October 23, 2008

Farmer Will & Sam

The boys had to dress up as farmers this week at school. Luckily for me, it fell on different days and I could "squeeze" them into the same overalls. : ) Poor Will, looks like he's waiting for a big rainfall (but at least he has cool boots). :) Here are my little farmers - - -

Jack O' Lantern

Here are some photos of the boys making our jack o' lantern. Will was in charge and he said he wanted a "mean" face. So, we did our best.

Here is our MEAN pumpkin. On a side note, can you tell which kid is older? Just wondering. They really are 2 years apart. : )

Carefully scooping!
You talking to me?
What's in there?
What's in there?
So much fun!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Mr. Scarecrow

We made a big, funny scarecrow this weekend. Quite an adventure...

Hard at work stuffing the funny man...

Beautiful Boys

Can you tell I'm a proud mom? Love my boys!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere!

We had a fun trip up to North Georgia to a big pumpkin patch. The boys had a great time checking out the giant pumkins, running around, and picking out their favorite pumpkins to take home.

And they are off to find a pumpkin...

how did I get in here?
ok, enough posing for pictures mommy, let us play!

Busy, busy boys! Got to try to pick all of them up or push them over...

Fun fun fun!
Hiding from Sam...
Look at our loot!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Park Fun

We had a fun at the park this week. They had a fun music program for the kids and we enjoyed a picnic dinner. Will is really curious about what Sam has to eat.

Fun at the Fair & Thomaston

We had a really fun weekend in Macon! We went to the big State Fair with Uma and Pops and the boys loved it. They loved the animals, games, and watching all the people.

Here is Sam watching Will and Uma in the paddle boats...

Will and Uma paddling around... Cotton candy is sooooooooooo yummy!
Funny vibrating chair...
At the Lake in there anything down there?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Outside Fun and Swimming Lessons!

The boys are enjoying a cupcake snack outside with their playgroup friends...

Sam really enjoyed his cupcake! Sam saying "cheese."Here is Will at swim lessons... he is doing great!