Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Last week we had a Thanksgiving Lunch at Will & Sam's school. Will's class did a Thanksgiving program for us that included the Turkey Tango, funny Turkey songs, and a nice prayer. Will did a great job singing and dancing - he was really into it! The pictures show you how proud he was.

Here is Will doing the Turkey Tango.

So proud!
Check me out!
Sam watching the show and chillin' out!

Sam at home - such a big boy!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Off to School on a Cold Morning...

We actually had to wear sweaters today.... brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Just wanted you all to know that I still love black beans.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fall Leaves

We had a fun day outside raking leaves. The boys really liked to help rake, hide toys in the leaf pile, run through the pile, and then put the leaves in big bags. It was a chilly day here so we had to bundle up!

Will running really fast on the "leaf tracks" we made.

What a big helper... putting leaves in bags.

I have to incorporate ball into this project somehow...

Sam hid a gourd in the leaf pile and Will found it.

Sam just hanging out...

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Fall Days

Fun in the fall leaves...

Hey Will, I can help you with that zipper!

Mr. Blue Eyes

The boys love bath time.

My Little Bulldog!

We had such a fun day on the beach with all the crazy UGA fans!

Happy Halloween!

We had a great time trick-or-treating at the beach. Here are some photos of my little indian and my little cowboy!

The boys with crazy grandparents (witch, Rudolph, and used car salesman)...

Target practice with Uncle B. Will had so much fun shooting his cowboy guns!

This is lollipop number 15 (or 16) of the night.

Beautiful family photo... yes, Sam wasn't very happy here, but I had to show Rich's fancy costume!

Halloween Fun!

Happy Halloween! Cowboys and Indians, Oh My!

Will's Halloween party at school...

Sam enjoying a cupcake at his school party.
Sam chowing down at his party...

October Fun!

I've been slack on getting pictures posted. We've had some busy weekends - went to LSU/UGA game in Baton Rouge, UGA/FL & Halloween at the beach, and then to DC for a wedding. The boys enjoyed time at the beach for Halloween and also a weekend with Nana and another weekend with Uma and Pops. I'll have several posts to get caught up on all the fun!

Sam playing outside.
Will teaching Sam how to eat an apple...