Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas Fun

We have had a lot of fun over the past few weeks getting ready for Christmas! We have had Christmas parties at school, a playgroup Christmas party, and now the boys are having fun at grandparent's houses (Will is with Nana and Sam is with Uma and Pops). Mom and Dad aren't sure what to do without little boys in the house. : )

Here are a few fun photos! Will and Sam were cozying up with Pops by the fire.
The boys running from Daddy...
Bundled up Sam...
The crazy playgroup Christmas party...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Decorating the Tree

We decorated the tree this week! The boys had a lot of fun... Will even wanted to have more decorations for the next night to hang on the tree.

Will under the mistletoe.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Tree

We got our Christmas tree this past weekend. The boys enjoyed the tractor ride and playing at the farm. Here are a few photos...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Thanksgiving Beach Fun

We had such a fun week... lots of photos to share!

The boys enjoying a little ice cream.

More ice cream fun...

I love wearing Uncle B's boots.

Will Rides a Bike

Will learned how to ride his bike. It was unbeleivable how quickly he learned and then was ready to zoom down the beach. On day two, he rode down the beach with Pops to the King and Prince and back. He got help from everyone... Uma, Pops, Nana, Uncle B, Aunt Beth, Auntie JoJo, Mommy, Daddy, and moral support from Sam! He was so happy and proud (you can tell by the smile on his face).

Getting a little help from Uncle B...
She let go................

I've got the hang of this!
So happy....

Day 2: Now I'm too cool....

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

I took the boys around the island one afternoon to take some photos for a possible Christmas card. Uma went with me to witness how impossible it is to get both boys to make a pleasant face at the same time. Here are a few of my favorite faces from the afternoon...

We didn't do it, Mom!
Can you tell they are saying, CHEESE?

Happy Thanksgiving!!

We had such a great Thanksgiving with the family at the beach!! We truly have so much to be thankful for! Here are some family photos.... I have many more to post from the weekend. They are on the way.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Hot Cocoa "Man Town"-Style

This past Sunday was a cold, rainy day. Daddy was watching the boys and they decided to make hot cocoa "man town" style. I think it first started with Will being coated in cocoa powder, then once they had their cocoa they had lots of things to put in their cool whip, teddy grahams, chocolate chips, and blue Whoppers. They loved it!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thanksgiving Celebration at School

The boys had their Thanksgiving program at school on Thursday. It was really cute and sweet. Mom, Dad, and Nana enjoyed it all. Each of the boys had a separate program in their class and then we all enjoyed a Thanksgiving lunch. Both boys really got into singing the songs. It was too cute!

Sam, my little sweet angel, in prayer. : )

Little Indians Ben and Will ...of course, Will chose to have the bow.
Doing the Turkey Tango...