Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Mommy Smiles

Just a few recent photos that make me smile...

Sam, my little drummer boy (that just got off his bike)

Finally Outside

After a few chilly weeks we were finally able to spend some fun time outside without being completely bundled up from head to toe.

Will still loves shooting rockets...

We got to play a little basketball. Nothin' but net...and the follow-through...
Hey, are you talkin' to me?

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Fun at Home

We are back home and the boys are enjoying all the toys they got for Christmas. They have really enjoyed the fort!

Lots and Lots of Beach Time

We were lucky to have great weather and great company! Our time at the beach from Christmas through New Years was so much fun. We got a case of spring fever!

Sam Chillin' at the Beach House

I captured some cute photos of Sam at the beach house. Here they are...

This one is actually at Jekyll - such a happy boy!

Fun on the Boat

We had a fun day on the boat! We got to do a little fishing, had lunch at Jekyll, and best of all...the boat got stuck and Pops got to hang out at Jekyll for 6 hours until the tide turned. : )

Will just waiting for the fish to bite...

Sam loves his "maamaa."
My little fisherboy...
Two boys and a shrimp...

Christmas at Nana's!

The boys got yet another Christmas celebration at Nana's. We celebrated Rich's birthday too!

More Christmas

Ok, I got a new camera for Christmas and I think I went a little overboard on taking photos over the Christmas vacation. I have lots to post... so bear with me. : )
Here are some from Christmas Day - at our house and at Uma and Pop's house. We had a wonderful day!

All the presents just got to be too much! Sam just laying down in the mess from his stocking...

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Morning

We enjoyed Christmas morning at our house before heading off to Uma and Pop's house. Here is some of the fun...

Will was very excited to see that all the treats were eaten by Santa and his reindeer.
Look at what Santa left the boys!!!!
This racetrack is unbelievable! Wow!
Check out my cool new wheels.
I think Sam's favorite part was his new helmet. He wore it all morning.