Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Playgroup Egg Hunt

We had an Easter Egg Hunt at playgroup today. Even though it was raining, the boys had fun!

Texas Fun

We spent the weekend in Texas with the Boothby family! We had such a great time. Here are some photos from the weekend.

All aboard the choo-choo...

Four cute boys!
Will practicing his golf swing...
Sam waiting for a ride...

Fun with water cannons...

Will & Thomas racing around the big tree.

Happy Birthday Pops & Uncle B!

Happy Birthday Pops & Uncle B! We had a fun night in Macon celebrating their big day!

We went to the Cherry Blossom Festival that afternoon. Both Will & Sam loved watching a helicopter take off.

Sam having fun with Miss Beth!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Disney World

We had another great trip to visit Grampy & Grammy in Florida! Even though Will was under the weather for most of the trip, we managed to have a good time and capture some Disney smiles. Uma and Pops joined us too!

Here are the boys with their favorite Disney characters...Lightning McQueen and Mater from Cars!

The boys rode the carrousel with Uma and Pops.

Here is Sam after a long day at the park...he's all out!
Fun in the pool at Grampy and Grammy's house.

The ice cream truck came by the house one day and Sam enjoyed it (to say the least)!

Best buds...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Hope you all had a great St. Patrick's Day!

We had playgroup at our house today - lots of little leprechauns!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Beach Weekend

We had a great long weekend at the St. Simons after we got back from Mexico - - lots more sun and sand!

Here are some cute photos of the boys from the weekend.

Hey Will, don't pour that on me!

I'm such a big helper now...
Can't get to the beach fast enough...
Yep, this is crazy fishing - using bungy cords with rackets and cars as bait.

Mommy & Daddy go to Mexico!

Rich gave me a surprise trip to Cancun for my birthday. Uma and Pops were troopers and kept the boys while we were away. It was a great trip. Here is the view from our room...

Here we are on our way out to dinner on my birthday.
Just chillin' at the pool!