Thursday, May 21, 2009

Will's Pretend B-day Party at School

Will celebrated his birthday at school with all the other summer birthday kids.

The boys walking into school on Sam's last day for the year. Yep, he cried EVERYDAY that we dropped him off this year. Mama's little boy!

The Boys, the Beach, and Lollipops

A few photos from mother's day weekend at the beach...

After a long, long day at the beach... Mr. Crack!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Finally Posting Videos

I am finally getting around to posting some videos. I got some really cute ones of Sam this week singing and answering a few questions. I also posted a video of Will from February singing "God Bless America." You've gotta check these out!

Here is Sam singing "Jesus Loves Me" and "Baa Baa Black Sheep."

Sam singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Rock a Bye Baby."

Sammy Holland answering a few questions.

Will singing "God Bless America" (from February 2009).

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

(Not so Great) Weekend at the Beach

Wow! We had quite the weekend at the beach. On our drive down Sam got sick and within a few hours of getting to the beach the rest of us were sick. Uma, Pops, and Nana soon followed. Yikes! Thankfully, we are all better now. We still managed to have fun (at times)!

Here are the boys hard at work...

Will hanging out with Uncle B and Miss Beth.