Thursday, October 29, 2009


We had trunk-or-treat at church last night. The boys had so much fun and got tons of candy. We decorated our trunk like the beach. We had sand in the pool with beach chairs and towels.

Here are the police boys...
here is our trunk...
They liked this trunk...spooky face.
All smiles after collecting LOTS of candy...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fun with Daddy - Man Town

The boys had a fun weekend with Daddy while Mommy was away for a girls weekend. When I got home on Sunday, Daddy pushed them really, really fast in the red car. The smiles on their faces tell it all - they were having a blast! They all survived "Man Town."

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fall Fun at Home

We've had a lot of fun the last few days with fall activities. We carved pumpkins last night. Here are the boys with their jack-o-lanterns.
Picking out the right pumpkin...

The boys with their scarecrow, Buckhead. : )
Stuffing the scarecrow...

The Rock Ranch

Last weekend we went to the Rock Ranch. The boys had so much fun. We went with another family that have 2 boys that are friends with Will & Sam. We had fun watching a pumpkin shooter, going through a corn maze, shooting corn, running around like crazy, riding a train, going down a croker sack slide, and having a great picnic lunch.
Here are the boys... Will, Jett, Mac, and Sam.

What do I do next?

So much fun!

Shooting corn... ready, aim, fire!

The boys kept wanting to go down the slide. The smile on Will's face is priceless!

The family in the corn maze.

Daddy and Will chillin' out.

Sam, Jett, and Will waiting for the train to come.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Georgia National Fair

We went down to Perry to the Fair yesterday. The boys loved the fair food, animals, and paddleboats. : ) Here are some photos of all the fun the boys had with Uma and Pops.

Cowboy Will & Farmer Sam

The boys had to dress up for school last week. Sam as a farmer and Will as a cowboy. Will even ate off the chuckwagon for lunch. : ) I asked them to make a mean cowboy/farmer face and this is what I got.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fun Weekend in Macon

We had super fun weekend in Macon. On Friday before we left town, we visited the pumpkin patch at our church. That night, we went to Beth's high school homecoming football game at FPD. Will saw a football player and said "Holy Cow, look at his shoulders." I'm thinking he doesn't know they wear shoulder pads. : ) The next day we went to the Indian Mounds in Macon and then celebrated Beth & B's engagement at their Engagement Party - lots of family and friends. Fun weekend!!

The boys with Uma and Pops on one of the Indian Mounds overlooking downtown Macon.
Poking at something...
Sitting in Indian seats...

Friday, October 2, 2009

School Picture Day

I had to get a picture of the boys dressed up for school pictures. : )