Thursday, January 21, 2010

Warm Weather!

We finally had a few days of warm weather, and the boys were so excited to spend lots of time outside! They played for hours outside on Monday and when I would go check on them they would say "mommy, you can go back inside." They had some fun brother time exploring and playing in the mud.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Snow Day!

It snowed last night and the boys did not have school today! We had a fun day enjoying the little bit of snow we had and staying warm and cozy inside.

Cozy, cozy boys!

Christmas & New Years Beach Fun

We had a fun week at the beach after Christmas and for New Years. It was chilly, but we stayed busy. We took the boys bowling, played on the beach, and they had lots of "Man Town" with Daddy and Pops. They loved riding in Pops' new truck.

Here is a pic of Will excited about bowling...
Sam on a bowling ball...The rest of the photos are just fun beach pictures...

Merry Christmas!

We had such a fun Christmas! The boys enjoyed it so much and we had some great family time. We had Christmas Eve and Christmas morning at our house. We went to Uma and Pops for Christmas Day and then to the beach the week after. We got to celebrate with the whol family... Uma, Pops, Nana, Aunty JoJo, Uncle B, Aunt Beth and us! It was perfect!

Here are the super hero boys...
Here are the boys trying to cut down our Christmas tree after they got tools for Christmas. Will got a chainsaw and Sam got a hedge trimmer.
Sleeping bag boys...
The boys with Uma and Pops on Christmas Eve!

The boys with Nana on Christmas Eve!

Happy Will

Silly, happy Christmas Boys!