Thursday, April 1, 2010

Will's Easter Party

Will had his Easter Party at school today. Here is a cute photo of his class after the egg hunt...
Will looking for eggs...
So happy to get some candy in the egg...

Happy Birthday Sam!

Sam is 3 (well, almost...his actual birthday is April 4th!). We had a Dinosaur Egg Hunt for Sam's Birthday Party! Sam and all his friends had a great time. Here is a photo of all the kiddos that were hunting eggs in our backyard.

Sam trying out his new bike...
Will is showing Sam the ropes of riding a big boy bike. : )
Sam is so happy to be riding around... he just giggled when he got it going.

Sam took a break from his party and did a little yardwork. : )
I'm ready for this cake...

Sam's School Party

On Tuesday, Sam had his school Easter Party with an egg hunt. We also celebrated his birthday with his class that day.

Sam's teacher brought in baby chicks and ducks. Here is Sam holding a baby duck.
Sam heading out the door for the Easter Egg hunt.

Saying the blessing before lunch...
Happy Birthday, Sam! He picked out his cake and decorated his birthday crown.

Fun in the Pool!

The boys had a great time in the pool at Grammy and Grampy's in Orlando. Here are some of the biggest smiles.

Disney World Fun!!!

We had such a great trip to Orlando this year. The boys were so lucky - they had ALL their grandparent's there for a fun filled trip. Grammy, Grampy, Nana, Uma, and Pops all braved the parks with us. We spent one day at Hollywood Studios and then headed to the Magic Kingdom and then the rains came. It rained and rained. So, we went back to the Magic Kingdom the following day, and then we went to Sea World the next day. Here are a few fun photos from the trip! Thanks to all grandparent's for making it even more special for the boys!

Here are my monkeys with Pluto...
Nana and Will on have to check out Nana's face. I think this ride was a little more than she expected. : )

The boys with Shamu...
Daddy and Sam racing cars.

Mr. Big Slice...
Lightnin', Mater, Will, Sam, oh my...
Sam loves the carousel.
Braving the rain at Hollywood Studios.