Saturday, May 22, 2010

T-Ball Season Ends

Today ended Will's (and Daddy's) first t-ball season! It was so much fun for the whole family. Will enjoyed it and did so well all season long. Rich was such a great coach. I'm so proud of them both.

Here is Will getting his trophy last night at the team party.
One of the final "good game, good game, good game" high-fives...
Will catching a pop fly while warming up for a game.

Quick Beach Trip

Right after school was out we headed to the beach for a quick trip. We got to enjoy some time with Pops (he's celebrating retirement this month at the beach) and Uma. We also got to spend a lot of time with Nana before she left for Maine! It was a great few days. The boys had a great time and spent lots of time riding bikes.

Here are the boys with Pops on the beach...

Riding to the beach like big boys...
Happy, happy Will!

Going the driveway...

The boys have come up with a new activity. They love fishing at the end of the driveway and taking their fishing poles, drinks, etc. in the Hot Wheels. They even bring out the coolers for the fish they catch. One day they even were wearing goggles when they were fishing (luckily, i caught a photo of Sam that day...see below). : )

Will driving the fishing poles back home...
Will heading to do a little fishing...

Mr. Goggles...

Family Fun Day

The boys had a Family Fun Day on the last day of school that included games, jumpies, snacks, and lunch for the whole family. We really enjoyed the fun morning together (and Sam was super happy that school was over). : ) Here are the boys enjoying some of the festivities.

End of School Ice Cream Parties

Both boys had ice cream parties for the end of the school year. Here are some photos from the parties.

Here is Will and his two best friends, Ben and Brayden. They are too cute hanging out together...

This is Sam at Will's class party. He got to enjoy both parties. : )
Will enjoying his party.

Sam so happy and waiting for an ice cream sundae.

Popsicle Break on a Hot Day

Cute boys taking a little break from heat and enjoying a push-up pop...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Will's "pretend" Birthday at School!

Yesterday was Will's "pretend" birthday at school. They celebrated since they won't be in school for his actual birthday in June. Will loved it. We took in Spiderman cupcakes for the boys and princess cupcakes for the girls. He requested that girls and boys have different ones because the girls "didn't like boy stuff". Too cute!

Muddy Day at T-Ball Practice

Monday was a very muddy day at practice. Rich even let the boys have a sliding practice where they slid in the wet grass. They had a ball.

Sam was covered in mud from head to toe by the end of practice!
Will just taking a little break...

T-Ball and the Braves Game

At this past weekends t-ball game, Will had a big cheering crowd. Nana and Uncle B and Aunt Beth got to come.

On Sunday, it was Smyrna Little League Day at the Braves game and Will got to walk Turner Field before the game. He loved it. We were in the outfield and when he walked by us he had the biggest smile and was strutting. It was too cute. Here is a picture of him on the warning track in left field...I'm in the stands taking his picture.

These photos are from his t-ball game this weekend. Sam cheering for Team Red Sox.

Uncle B and Aunt Beth brought eye black for the team and made custom "Uncle B" and "Aunt Beth" jerseys! Too cute!

Will and Nana before the game...

Pop's Retirement Party

We had a big family party this past weekend to celebrate Pop's retirement! Nana volunteered to keep the boys so we had a kid-free evening! We started by picking Uma and Pop's up at the airport in a limo. We stopped by the Varsity in the limo and then went to our hotel suite at the St. Regis! We had a fun Derby party there and then went to a yummy steak dinner later that night! It was a perfect family party to celebrate all of Pop's hard work! I had to post some of the photos...

Uma and Pop's enjoying the Derby (not sure why Pops is wearing my hat)....
The "kids" at dinner...

Uma and Pops having some Derby fun...

Princeton Softball Game

On April 25th, we went to the Princeton/Yale Alumni Softball Game. It was a great day! The boys got to play in a jumpy, eat Varsity hotdogs, and watch Daddy play softball. It was hosted at the Ivan Allen family compound in Buckhead so there was plenty of room for the boys to run around and for Will to play ball.

Here is a very proud daddy with his boys...
Blowing Dandilions...

The boys after a long day of playing...

Still loving T-ball

We are all enjoying t-ball. Will can't wait each week for his practice and games.

Here is a picture of Will and his biggest fan, Sam. :)
Here is the "Go Red Sox" cheer...


Sam got a slip-n-slide for his birthday and the boys had a ball playing on it. The smiles on their faces were priceless!

Sam making a splash...
Just taking a little break from all the fun...

Spring Break - Boat Fun

We had a fun afternoon on the boat. The boys got to wear their new Columbia fishing gear...

Here is a picture of Will driving the boat.
Sam loved going fast.

On the docks...