Thursday, December 16, 2010

School Christmas Parties

We have had a fun filled week with Christmas parties and programs. Will's school had a really cute program, "Christmas Around the World." Here are some pictures of the Kindergartener's singing their part...

I think these are donkey ears (according to Will...the song was in Spanish so I'm not 100% sure)... : )
Sam's class sang us a few songs and they had a nice party. Here is Sam looking for Daddy while singing his songs...
Mr. Jingle Bells...
Sam is in heaven. He couldn't wait to dig into his gingerbread creation!

Decorating the Tree

The boys loved decorating the tree this year! Although, this photo doesn't prove it...they weren't too happy to pose after a long night of decorating and a belly full of egg nog. : )
The boys loved looking for pickle ornament. I think we hid it 6 or 7 times and they kept wanting to find it. They were too cute. Here are some pics of the boys searching really hard...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Christmas Tree Trip

Saturday we went to get our Christmas Tree. Here are some boys enjoying the chilly afternoon at the Christmas Tree farm.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thanksgiving at the Beach

We had a wonderful family vacation at the beach! We got to see everyone... Uma, Pops, Nana, Grampy, Grammy, Aunty JoJo, Uncle B, and Aunt Beth!!!!! WOW! We have such a wonderful family to be thankful for.

The boys went to the beach a day early with Uma and Pops. Here they are enjoying sunrise with Uma, Pops, treats, and hot cocoa! :)
My little turkeys...
Pops showing Will the correct way to hold a ghost crab.
Having so much fun playing with new tow trucks! We were lucky to have great beach weather.