Monday, May 23, 2011

Will's 6th Birthday Party

We had Will's 6th Birthday Party on Sunday at the bowling alley. Here are some photos of all the fun.
Sam getting in on all the bowling fun...

My bowling boys...

The birthday boy...

Sam got a few treats (even though it was Will's party), he was very excited about the Ti2 tennis balls. Happy Sam!

Sam - End of School

Sam's last day of school was Thursday. He had a program at school Thursday night where they sang songs for us. Too cute! On Friday, they had a Family Fun Day where mom, dad, and Sam enjoyed a morning outside with Sam's classmates.

Sam on stage getting ready to sing...

Enjoying a sno-cone at the Family Fun Day...

A little tired from all the fun...

Baseball - End of the Season

Baseball season wrapped up this past weekend. We had a team party, closing ceremonies, and the last game this weekend. It was such a fun season. Will really had a great time and learnd a lot, and Rich enjoyed coaching again. He had a great team! Here are some pictures of my little slugger...

Here is Will admiring his trophy...
Will and Coach Daddy...

Thumbs up! Sure was a hot day...

Batter up!

My boys!

Fishing Hubby

I had to share a cute picture of my cute hubby. We went on a "baby-moon / 10th anniversary" trip to Marco Island, FL and had a very relaxing, wonderful trip. Rich went fishing one day and caught a fish that he was really proud of... a big snook. : )

May Day Festival

Will's school had a big May Day festival, and Will had a blast. His class performed some songs, he ran a 1 mile fun run, and lots of games. His favorite part was the Dunk Booth. He thought it was too funny that he sank the priest at his school and the principal. Here are a few pictures from the festivities.

Will in front of the dunk tank. : )
At the end of the day... he was so tired. Cute kid...

Spider Web

Take a look at some of the boys' handy work... I knew the boys had a ball of twine in the backyard. I took about 5 minutes to get out back with them and by the time I got there they had created their very own "spider web." It was unbeleivable how high the "web" was in the tree. They were so proud of it! : )

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Uma's 60th Birthday Party

Happy Birthday, Uma!!!!

We had a big family celebration this past weekend for Uma's big birthday. We celebrated at our house with cake and presents then we went out for drinks at a rooftop bar in Atlanta followed by a dinner at our favorite place, Kevin Rathbun Steaks. Here are a few pics from the fun night out with the fam...
Here is Uma with her boys. : )

Here are some photos of us out on the town...