Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Soccer Practice

The boys had their first soccer practice of the season yesterday. For Sam it was his first sports team practice ever! He was so excited and had a great time. Will is excited to start a new season too!

Sam all decked out in his new cleats, shinguards, socks, and shorts. : )
My soccer boys...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Sam's First Day of School

Sam's first day of school is today. He's starting Pre-K! He was pretty excited this morning (as excited as Sam can be about going to school). : ) I think it was much harder for mommy sending him this morning than it was for him going. He starts soccer tonight too...so it's a very big day for Sam!

My cute boys...

I took this picture a few weeks ago and forgot to post it. Thought it was cute of Sammy and his little sister...

Who are these girls?

Mom had this posted on her fridge... who are these girls? Take a guess. : )

A Few Katie Pics...

Here are a few recent pictures of the little pumpkin...

Katie has started smiling! It's the best feeling ever to get a little grin from her. Will and Sam love trying to make her smile.

Hot Summer Fun

Last weekend the boys had a good time playing out back and keeping cool!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Looking Back - Katie at 17 days old!!

I have been a little slow on getting photos posted, but I just had to share these. Here are some photos that my friend took of Katie when she was only 17 days old. These are just some of my favorites! Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Katie - 1 Month Old!

Katie is already 1 month old. Here are a few pictures of her showing off on her big 1 month mark...

Monday, August 8, 2011

1st Grader Will!!

I can't beleive that Will is now a 1st grader! Whew! We are so proud of him (and mommy is a bit emotional that he has gotten so big). He was so excited to go this morning and start a new year. I'm sure he's most excited to get back to being with his friends and socializing. : )
Will said, "Sam can get in some pictures with me." Here are my two big boys. Katie was watching the photo session from the sidelines. : )

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Katie's First Beach Trip!

We decided to make one last beach trip before school starts. Katie was 3 weeks old and we hit the road... we had a great weekend. The boys enjoyed some much needed beach time and Katie enjoyed "chillin/napping" on the beach.

Doesn't it look like she's enjoying the breeze and sound of the waves?

Boogie Board Sam...

Skim Board Will... he enjoyed getting scored by the crowd on how well he did.

IT'S A GIRL!!! Pink cigars for the boys...