Monday, March 26, 2012

Botanical Gardens and a fun weekend!

We had a fun and busy weekend!  We had a friend, Matt,  from Rhode Island come to visit this weekend.  We had a great time.  We had baseball games on Saturday and enjoyed an afternoon at the Botanical Gardens on Sunday.  Here are some pictures of my little monkeys at the Gardens...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Katie Pictures

Just a few random pictures of Katie...she is growing up so quickly.

 I think she's officially too big for a bouncy seat...she can crawl out of it now.  :)

Happy St. Patty's Day from the Balloon Glow!

On St. Patty's Day, we went to Macon to enjoy the Balloon Glow with Uma and Pops.  Lots of hot air balloon in a field...a great way to enjoy a beautiful day!

Here are the O'Holland kiddos...

Go Nationals!!! Baseball Season Kicks Off!

The Holland Baseball Boys!  Sam plays on the Nationals TeeBall Team and Will plays on the Nationals PeeWee Team!  They are lucky that Daddy is able to coach both teams!  

For Opening Day they  have a big parade and ride in the back of trucks before the game.  The boys loved it!

 PeeWee Nationals...
 TeeBall Nationals...
 Sam enjoying his first parade.  Can you see that smile?
 Will cheering away!
 Sam running hard to home plate...
 Katie enjoying the parade...
 Sam is all smiles out in the field...
 After a long day at the ballpark the boys are heading home...

Katie is 8 months!

My little monkey is 8 months old... 

 Her big smile just takes over her little face...

This was 8 month photo Take 1...needless to say, she was not happy this day so we decided to wait til the next day.  : ) 

Beach Time with California Friends!!

At the beginning of March we had a wonderful long weekend at the beach!  Our dear friends from grad school that live in California came to visit.  They have two boys about the age of Will and Sam...we all had a ball!  Here are some pictures of the beach fun...

The kiddos...
 Sam working hard on their castle/fort project...
 Katie just chillin out on the beach - trying to keep up with all the boys.
 The boys enjoying an ice cream break at Zuzu's...

 Wow - this water sure is cold!  Although, they spent tons of time in it (and in the pool)!
 Will is a happy kid - Fritos and a Kite!