Thursday, August 23, 2012

Katie Starts "School"

Today was Katie's first day at Parents Morning Out.  It's only 1 day a week for 3 hours, but I am still in disbelief that the boys were the same age when they started "school."   Here is my little pumpkin before her first day...

I guess since the boys were walking before they started going to "school", they just seemed older to me (Sam was 3 months older and Will was 1 month older than K is now).  Here are the boys - - I had to dig these out...

Sammy on his first day of school...

Will on his first day...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Back to School

The boys started school this morning.  It was so cute sending the boys to school together!  Sam is now a big Kindergartener and Will is starting 2nd grade.  It's so hard to believe.  Here are the little cuties before they left this morning... 
 Just too cool for school...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

St. Simons - Almost the end of Summer Break...

We got away for one more beach trip to St. Simons before it is back to school time.

The kiddos are hard at play...
 Little K, birds, and a big beach...
 Each of the 3 kids enjoying the beach... there is not a better place in the world!

 K asleep in the pack-n-play at the beach was too cute not to capture the picture.  : )


We had an awesome trip up to Maine to visit Nana.  We had a ball!  We were so lucky that we got to spend time with so many people that mean so much to us.  It was the best! 

 Katie is just not sure about the chilly water...

 Nana helped the boys set up a lemonade stand!  They were so proud and loved every minute of it.

A little time at home...

It seems we have spent most of our summer on the go, but we did manage to spend a lot of time having fun at home as well.  We enjoyed the pool most days and just had fun hanging out together. 

 This is K's little squishy face... every now and then she will crinkle her nose and show her top teeth.  I got a good shot of it!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hammock Beach, FL

We have been lucky to have an annual trip with some of my best friends and their kids each year.  We decided to go back to Hammock Beach again this year... all the kids (and us moms) had a blast!  We are already looking forward to next year.  This was Sam's first year to go - he was so excited!  Katie stayed home with Daddy (and Uma and Pops).  Here are a few pics of the fun...

 All the kids hanging out on the beach...
 Best of friends for 30 years! 

 Will was in heaven getting to play a little beach volleyball...
 Taking a lunch break... very tired boys!

 My sweet, sweet boys!  I sure am lucky.