Sunday, September 23, 2012

Fun Weekend with Auntie JoJo

We had a great weekend!  Auntie JoJo came to visit, and we all had so much fun!  The boys both had soccer games Saturday morning (they both scored goals)... They loved having Auntie JoJo cheer them on!  We spent the rest of the afternoon outside and the kiddos enjoyed a little more summer fun with the slip-n-slide and Katie's little pool. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Little Katie Walker

Katie is taking up to 8-10 steps at one time, but hasn't completely committed to walking all together.  She is so proud of herself when she is taking steps - it's the cutest thing!  She usually giggles and has a big smile on her face.   We were playing out back this afternoon with the pinwheels - here are some of the smiles!  

Soccer Season Begins

Fall is here and it's soccer time!  The boys had their first soccer games last weekend.  Here is a picture of each of the boys before their games.

Soccer Sammy...
Soccer Will... I didn't get many pictures from his game because of a big rain storm.  He had a great time playing in the rain, but I didn't get many pictures.  : )  I'll get more pics of the boys next week!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Katie (almost 14 months)

Katie is just growing up so quickly.  I feel like her birthday was just yesterday and I find myself 2 months past her birthday... crazy!  She is still such a happy, happy girl who loves her brothers more than you can imagine.  Nothing makes her happier than when they get home from school.

She is taking a few steps when she feels like it, but for the most part isn't walking much.  I keep thinking it's any day now that she will quit crawling all together and only walk.  I'll keep you posted!

 She loves mac-n-cheese!
 Here is a picture of a few of her little steps...

Labor Day

Happy Labor Day!  We spent the weekend at the beach and had a great time!  The kids had lots of other kids there to play with so they all had a ball.  Here are just a few pictures of the fun....

Little K on the beach... we are quite certain that she is getting quite the tint of beautiful red hair like her daddy!  What do you think?

 What a mess of kids!!!  Wow, how things have changed...  : )
 The boys just waiting for Pops to "drop the hammer" on the boat.
Here is Katie's first boating trip.  She was not a fan...I'm certain it was the life jacket that was cramping her style.  : )