Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Katie Pumpkin

Had a little fun taking pictures of Katie yesterday... 

 Any candy in there?

The Rock Ranch

We had a fun fall day at the Rock Ranch with family and friends!  It was a fun day with Uma, Pops, Uncle B, Aunt Beth, Levy, and the Perkins/Maleskis!    Here is some of the fun...
Jump, Jump, Jump!

 Katie checking out the Ranch!
 The B's and cute Levy hanging out at the campfire...

Ziplining....yikes!  Yep, Will went ziplining.  Pops bravely went with him.  Will loved it and felt like such a big kid!
Pops and Will zooming down the line...

 Uma and K...

 Taking a little break on a pumpkin... she's pooped out after a long day!

Friday, October 19, 2012

October Fun!

We had a nice weekend at home last weekend.  One of Sam's friends had a Halloween party, so the kiddos got to dress up in their costumes.  They had a ball!  Astronaut Sam and Ninja Will!  : )  
 Cute boys in the pumpkin patch!
 This is the one I want...
Put me in, Coach!  Katie hanging at the baseball fields... I have a feeling this little girl will spend a lot of time at the ballfield!

 Tired, pooped out boys...
 Kisses for my brothers when I wake up in the morning...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fall Break at the Beach!

We had a fun long weekend at the beach for Fall Break!  We got to spend time with all the grandparents...Uma, Pops, Nana, Grammy, and Grampy!   The weather was perfect and we were able to enjoy several long days on the beach.

The boys spent a lot of time in the water boogie-boarding...

 Uma and Pops just had to get Katie a UGA outfit.  Here is the little bulldog with her Pops...

This was her first trip to the beach since she has started walking and she had so much fun (she was into everything)!  She is a beach bum just like her brothers.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Fun Weekend with Camping and Hanging Out!

The boys camped out in the backyard with Daddy this weekend.  They had a blast!  Earlier in the evening they wanted to make sure that Katie got to hang out in the camp before she went to bed.  Here are the kiddos...
Katie got a new chair... she loved hanging out in it!

 Happy Will!

 Katie watching her brothers play tennis!
 Wanting to do a little rock climbing...
Sam with his astonaut he made for school.  For a school assignment, he had to make what he wanted to be when he grows up.  Here is the finished product...precious!  He was so proud.