Thursday, February 21, 2013

Florida Fun at Grammy and Grampy's.

Over President's Day weekend, we went to Florida to visit Grammy and Grampy!  We had a ball.  Lots of fun riding around in golf carts, playing horseshoes, bocce, & shuffleboard, and even feeding cows!  Here is a little of the fun...
My little boy...
 Katie and Grammy reading a book...

Katie and Grampy taking a stroll...

 Katie deciding that she doesn't want to hold daddy's hand so she sits down...

My monkeys...not sure if you can read the sign or not, but I loved it..."WARNING - Unruly children will be used at bait."

Shuffleboard!  The boys loved playing shuffleboard for the first time. 


February Fun!

We have had fun hanging out this winter.  We have been quite lucky to have not had many cold days so we have enjoyed a lot of time outside.
Here is Katie playing in the rain.  Yep, she is soaked and making mud soup with her brothers.  

Will in a tree...

We had fun celebrating Levy's FIRST birthday in Macon!  He had an Indian party and the boys loved dressing the part.  I need to get Aunt Beth to post some b-day pictures...the party (and the big birthday boy) was just too cute!