Friday, June 14, 2013

Summer Fun!!

Summer is in full swing... the pool, another trip to the beach, and a trip to Uma & Pops house.
Katie is getting the hang of her float.

Sam and Katie walking through the village.
 Will and Katie walking through the Village.
 Katie heading to the pool with all her stuff...

Katie heading to the pool again.  She always has to carry her own stuff to the pool.  No help!
 Pops and Katie hanging out at the Crab Trap!
 Katie playing in Uma's jewelry...

Happy 8th Birthday, Will!

It worked out that Will had a fun, family party on his birthday.  Since everyone was here for the baseball games, we also celebrated his big 8th birthday!  In a few weeks, he is going to go camping with Pops.  That's what he wanted for his official birthday party... a campout with Pops with fishing, riding golf carts, and hanging out! 
Make a wish! 

 Pogo Will...yes, he's a blur...

All-Star Tourney

We had a fun family weekend for Will's All-Star Tourney!  Uma, Pops, Uncle B, Aunt Beth, Levy, and Nana (from Maine) were all here for the big games.  Daddy was asked to the Head Coach of the team so that made it even more special.  It was a great way to end a fun baseball season!

 The kiddos after a practice...

 Pitcher Will...
 Tough Will...

Summer Kickoff

It finally feels like summertime here!  We are officially in summer mode... pool time and playing outside everyday! 

Here is the first (of many) trips to the pool this summer!

Sam's Kindergarten Graduation

I can't believe my little Sammy is heading into first grade!!  He had a nice graduation ceremony...he even did a skit where he played Papa Bear.  In addition to his diploma, he got the class "Almond Joy" award "for being a joy to have in class as a student and a classmate."

Memorial Day at the Beach

It's about time... we made it to St. Simons!  After a long winter and baseball season - we are finally free to get away for a quick weekend.  It was a lot of fun with Uma, Pops, B, Beth, and Levy!

My beach boys...

All-Star Will

Will had a great year in baseball too.  In his first year eligible to make an all-star team...he did it!!  It was a really cute thing to see.  At closing ceremonies, the players names are called out.  Will had mentioned prior that he didn't think he would make a team because he was and most of the players would be 8 that make the teams.  When his name was called - he had the biggest smile I have ever seen.  For days he kept saying... "I can't believe I made All-Stars."  He was thrilled!

 Here is the team...

Slugger Sam

Sam had a great season in baseball this year!  He did awesome in his first year with machine pitch.  He went 22-25 at the plate with a .880 batting average.  Slugger Sammy!

 Katie cheering on her big bro Sam!
 Sam and Coach Daddy!