Thursday, September 12, 2013

Cute Kids!

The boys got to wear red, white, blue to school for Patriots Day. Here are some pictures of the little monkeys.


Sammy Lost a Front Tooth!

My little baby, Sam, just lost a front tooth.  He officially looks like a big kid.  Too cute!  I'll have to get some more pictures of him.  The other front tooth is loose as well - he thinks he'll be singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" this year. 

Backyard Party!

This past weekend we had our redneck, backyard party on Sunday afternoon.  : )  

This is Katie saying "STOP" - she points at you, says stop, when she doesn't like what you are doing.  This is because she was tired of me taking pictures.

The Slip-N-Slide boys started making up tricks...

The Boys First Dove Shoot!

Pops took the boys on their first dove hunt in Thomaston.  They were so excited and had such a good time.  Here are the serious hunters.
Sam on the lookout for birds...

 Will and a dove...

Katie hanging out at the house while her brothers were hunting.

Tennis Boys

This fall the boys are playing tennis.  They are doing a combination of private lessons and a league.  So far they are having a ball...  I'll post more pictures soon!

Katie is growing up!

A few pictures of Katie...she's just growing up too fast...

Katie loves riding any of the vehicles at Uma and Pops' house... she calls them all 'tractors,' but this is a ride on the real tractor with Pops!

 The perfect POUTY face...
 Little Miss Blue Eyes!

Labor Day at the Beach!

After a few weeks of school, it's always nice to have a little more beach time.  We had perfect weather and a ton of fun!  Beach fun with our friends... 

Sweet Howard!

We have a new member of the family, Howard Gray Youmans!  The kiddos are so excited to have another cousin to play with.  What a beautiful little boy!