Friday, December 13, 2013

December Festivities!

I took Katie to the Macy's Pink Pig.  She loved it...not because it was a fun little ride, but because everything was PINK!   
The fam after we picked out our Christmas Tree.

The kiddos after a day of decorating the tree.

The kiddos with their little personal trees they keep in their bedrooms.  They had a ball decorating them!

Katie on a warm December Day!

Will Reading in Chapel

During the first week of December, Will was the reader in chapel.  He did a prayer and a reading from Isaiah!  He rocked it!

Cute Kids!

Every year I wonder what picture to use for our Christmas while we were at the beach I forced the kids into a little photo shoot.  Yes, it was tortuous for all, but I ended up with some cute ones of these little boogers.
All I want for Christmas is my...

Thanksgiving at the Beach!

We had a nice Turkey Day at the beach.  Unfortunately, Cousin Howard got sick so they were not able to join us and Uma and Pops went back to help them out.  We are happy that Baby Howard is feeling great now!  The kiddos got to enjoy some beach fun with Nana and Auntie JoJo.
My beach bums!

A fun little craft project for a rainy day.  The kids painted bird houses...

The kiddos with Auntie JoJo at the Crab Trap!

November Activities

So many things going on... I can't keep up!  Before the holidays started, we had a few fun things going on.  Here are a few snapshots from early November fun!
Where are the boys???

 Katie taking over Daddy's Office...
 K sometimes has to wear all her accessories.  We'll call her Minnie Sofia Fairy!
 Fall Leaf Fun!

Here is K all dressed up for her school's Thanksgiving performance.

Katie with her class...after she decided it was ok to participate.
The boy's school had their annual 1K fun run.  The boys had fun...
 All my medal winners!