Monday, April 14, 2014

Katie with Lots to Say about Witches

Jump Rope for Heart

The boys had a fun day at school at Jump Rope for Heart!  They raised money for a great cause and then got to celebrate at school.  Their school raised over $65,000 - sure to be the top in the Southeast again.  


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Happy 7th Birthday Sam!

Happy Birthday to my baby boy, Sam.  He's 7!  We celebrated his birthday at home with a small little party and then he went to Uma and Pop's house for the weekend for a "Pops Party." 
Here are a few pictures from the party at home...
Will surprised Sam with an airhorn finale to "Happy Birthday ."  It was completely his idea.
 ... and Sam thought it was absolutely hilarious. : )  I guess Will knows what his little brother likes. 

My cute kiddos!

We stayed up late and let Sam ride one of his new bikes.  Yes, the kids have to have 3 bikes - one for home, one for Uma & Pops, and one for the beach!  As the night got later - Katie got a little crazier... putting on accessories, carrying flowers around, no shoes.

Friday after school Sam headed to Forsyth for his "Pops Party."  He got to enjoy fishing with Pops, camping with Pops, driving the cart with Pops, and hanging out with Uma some too.  He had the best birthday weekend ever!

Fisherman Sam!

After the Balloon Glow in Macon, they came back to camp out!
 The birthday mobile.
Family fun at Balloon Glow...


Katie's Spring Break

Katie's spring break from preschool was a different week than her brother's - we hung out a did a few special things.  Katie got her first "real" pedicure, we went to the zoo, and played outside a lot! 
Getting a pedicure with Mommy...  Katie picked out pink and then got "farkles (sparkles)" painted on top. 

At the zoo...

One morning I went to wake her up and she was not in her bed... she was sound asleep UNDER her bed.

Will - Baseball Tournaments

We just finished up two back-to-back tourney weekend for Will's Slammers team.  Weekend One got rained out - so we went bowling instead and Weekend Two was a 12 hour Saturday of full of baseball with 4 games!  Will loved every minute of it... and then had a sleepover at a friend's house on the team!  I think that's Will's perfect weekend...

Dirty face, freckles, and a smile... cute boy!

 Chillin' out between games...
Team bowling outing - Katie got to try bowling for the first time.  She loved it and kept up every step of the way.