Monday, September 22, 2014

JUNE 2014 - More Funny Katie Videos

Katie just keeps doing funny things....
Katie was trying to play her ipod with socks on her hands.  It didn't work out so well.

Katie really wanting to catch a butterfly...

Can you tell that Katie has 2 big baseball brothers?  Slugger!

JUNE 2014 - Will's Birthday Party

For Will's 9th Birthday Party he wanted (for the second straight year) a Pops Party.  So, he got a fun-filled weekend hanging out with Pops. 

Here they are fishing in the river at Uma and Pops house....

 A big catch....

More fun at the brand-new student gym at the college...

JUNE 2014 - Red Sox Kiddos

Daddy needed a Red Sox picture of the kiddos so this is what he got ... Cute Red Sox Kids (straight out of the pool) and a lot of attitude!!

JUNE 2014 - June fun at Home

Since most of our June evenings were at the ballpark... our days were spent at the pool!!!
My little goggle kiddos...

Sam and one of his good friends Nolan.

Will hanging out early in the morning getting ready for "Reading Camp."  He was the biggest trooper ever going to reading camp for 4 weeks straight without a complaint!

JUNE 2014 - Baseball and More Baseball

June was pretty much dedicated to baseball... 28 days of baseball - STRAIGHT!  The team became a family and everyone involved had such a great time.  Here are a few snapshots of SMYRNA BLUE!!!!

Katie heading to the fields...

All the Smyrna Blue Mamas...

We are cheering on the boys as they arrive at the fields from warm-ups before a big game...  Go SMYRNA BLUE!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

JUNE 2014 - Happy 9th Birthday Will!

We had a little family get together for Will on his birthday.  Everyone was up in Smyrna to watch Will in the All-Star tournament so we celebrated then.  We also had cupcakes at the ballfield after a game with his teammates.  Will is going to have a "Pops Party" later in June after baseball is finished...more pics to come!

Will's baseball team singing Happy Birthday!

MAY 2014 - All-Star Will

Will made the top All-Star Team for Smyrna Little League 7/8 year olds!  GO Smyrna Blue!  We are so proud and he was so excited.  You should have seen his face when the teams were was the biggest smile I have ever seen.  Once the team was announced - we spent the next 21 days straight practicing and playing!  

MAY 2014 - Funny Katie Videos

A few of Katie's cute videos....saying a prayer and eating a donut.
Katie shopping at Target.  She just could not get enough...
Katie singing "Feel this Moment" and doing a dance that her bubbas taught her.  Nice.

MAY 2014 - Will's End of School Celebrations

Here is Will with two of his friends from school and their third grade teacher, Mrs. KC.  She is moving so they had a big party/roast for her.  Will and his friends did a rap song for Mrs. KC.  It was such a wonderful year with her as Will's teacher - we are going to miss her!

The rap by "DW Squared (Devan, Will, and Will)."

 Will celebrating his summer birthday a little early at school with his friends!
 Will's musical performance at the park.  Third & Fourth graders played recorders, fifth graders played ukuleles, and sixth graders played violins.  It was a showcase of what they learned this year.  It was really cute!


MAY 2014 - Lots of May Fun!

Lots of fun things going on as the school year ended... 
 Fun day at the Braves Game...
 Katie at Umas...
 Sammy at Uma's...

Will, Uma, Pops, and Boone hanging out...

MAY 2014 - Katie's End of School Fun

Katie's last day of school was a Family Fun Day.  It was a fun-filled morning outside with jumpys, games, sno-cones, and cotton candy.  
Here's Katie's attempt at the hula hoop...
 Sweet Katie singing on stage during the End of Year Ceremony...

Katie celebrating her "pretend" birthday with her classmates since she has a summer birthday and misses the fun at school.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

MAY 2014 - Lots of Baseball!

What a fun, fun season we had!  The boys on the same team (with Daddy coaching) could not have been more exciting. 
Cute Sam the Catcher!!!

Katie gets into the action too - thumbs up!


MAY 2014 - Katie Gymnastics

Katie has been taking gymnastics this year and has loved it.  Here she is on the balance beam and uneven bars. 


Katie's First Somersault....

APRIL 2014 - Other fun Stuff!

Lots of fun stuff in April... the boys baseball season was in full swing, Katie had a school art show, Katie loved going to gymnastics, and we all enjoyed even more outdoor time!