Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Fall, Ya'll!

We have had a great first week of fall. We have enjoyed the cooler weather and a lot of time outside playing.

my boys...

Monday, September 22, 2008

Weekend with Grammie and Grandpy!

We had such a fun weekend at the beach. Grammie and Grampy spent the weekend with us. The boys had such a great time... here are a few photos.

Sam the beach boy...

Boys on the beach!

Can you believe I have 2 little Bulldogs?

Love watching the rain...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Day at the Park

We spent the afternoon at the park. We played, had a picnic dinner, and enjoyed some live music! The boys had a blast.

Fun Weekend at Home

We had a nice weekend at home with the family.

Here is a photo of Will talking to Daddy at halftime of his soccer game. : )

Happy, happy brothers!

Must play a horn, play a guitar, and wear my cool boots...
Wow - now this is a nice look!

Braves Game

We went to one last Braves game for the season. We wanted to see if we could capture Will's GIANT smiles as he ran the bases. I got some video and I hope to post that soon - but in the meantime, here are some photos from the game.

Will in awe of a helicopter taking off outside the stadium. It was 9/11 so they did a big tribute to the police & fire department. It was a police helicopter taking off after the start of the game.

My little Dale Murphy...This isn't a good photo, but the moment made me so proud. We asked Will if he would run the bases with Sam, and he said he would. Will took Sam's hand and guided him along...he didn't drag him too far. : ) It was so sweet!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Enjoying Playing Outside

The weather is cooling off a little and the boys have loved being outside! Here are a few photos of the boys on the playground yesterday and a few of Sam playing this morning (while Will was at school). Enjoy!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Will's First Soccer Game

Today was Will's first soccer game. It was really cute. Will liked playing for about 1/2 of the time, and then wanted to stand on the sidelines for the rest of the game. I think he wasn't too sure about the big group of kids going after one ball. : ) Both teams won - Tigers vs. Dragons! Enjoy the photos...

The game...

Will getting a little bored with the game...
My little Number 9!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

First Soccer Practice!

Today was Will's first soccer practice. Saturday is his first game. It was really cute, and the kids actually did some fun drills. Will's team is the Tigers and he is #9...just like his daddy! I'll add lots of pictures on Saturday from the game. Here is a photo of Will before we went to practice - I think he was most excited about his new cleats!

Some of the cute kids on the team...
Water break!
Doing a dribbling drill called "The Snake!"
Will's favorite part of practice was a running race! He was really quick and was running so hard!

Soccer Will...
Taking a break...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School!

It's time to begin another school year! Both Will and Sam will be going this year. Will will go three mornings a week, and Sam will go one morning a week. Will was very excited to go this morning and of course Sam starting crying as soon as I handed him over to his teacher.

It was next to impossible trying to get photos this morning... : )

Sam and his lunchbag! Does anyone remember this photo of Will two years ago where his bag just looked so huge sitting next to him? There was no way he was going to carry it. Well, this is the same size lunch bag and Sam just had to carry it.

Ok, I had to find is Will on his first day of school 2 years ago.
Here is my little Will this year...
The boys wanted to pick at the tree all morning instead of getting their picture taken.

We'll keep you posted on how the first day went after I pick them up today.

Labor Day!

We had a fun Labor Day Weekend at SSI!

Sam so happy in the fort...

Here are a few of Will just wanting to play games...

One of my beautiful beach boys!