Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School!

It's time to begin another school year! Both Will and Sam will be going this year. Will will go three mornings a week, and Sam will go one morning a week. Will was very excited to go this morning and of course Sam starting crying as soon as I handed him over to his teacher.

It was next to impossible trying to get photos this morning... : )

Sam and his lunchbag! Does anyone remember this photo of Will two years ago where his bag just looked so huge sitting next to him? There was no way he was going to carry it. Well, this is the same size lunch bag and Sam just had to carry it.

Ok, I had to find is Will on his first day of school 2 years ago.
Here is my little Will this year...
The boys wanted to pick at the tree all morning instead of getting their picture taken.

We'll keep you posted on how the first day went after I pick them up today.

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