Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Fun at Home

The boys have had a super fun summer. Last weekend mommy and daddy had a fun weekend away to the beach while Uma and Pops kept the boys. The boys were kept busy with a Braves game, a trip to the aviation museum, a trip to the peach farm, and many other places. Uma and Pops don't stop. : ) Right before the weekend, Nana was here from Maine to see the boys as well! They have had a ball (and have been quite spoiled). This week we are chilling out at home before we head back to the beach for the 4th of July!

Will decide to "jam out" in the driveway... gotta love the boots in 100 degree weather!
Singing with all his little heart. He was making up a song similar to "You are my sunshine."

Sam just enjoying the day with lots of toys in hand. Not really sure what he wants to play first...

Hammock Beach Resort, Palm Coast, FL

Mommy had a fun 2nd annual beach trip with her friends, Robin and Andrea. All the mom's brought their kids. Sam stayed home this year, but will make the trip next summer. Here are some photos from the fun trip!

Our resort had a huge water slide. Here are 2 pictures of Will speeding down the slide...

Will loved playing paddleball with the bigger kids.

Cannonball Will!
Alll the kiddos... Andrew, Davis, Cale, Gracie, and Will!
The kiddos again... Will, Gracie, Andrew, Davis, and Cale.

The kids waiting outside of our room...they are so ready to get to the beach. I think we took too long to get ready in the mornings. : )
Lazy River Will...

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yummy Cookies!

We got a fun treat delivered from Uma and Pops today... a cookie bouquet. They cookies are so yummy and the boys loved picking out their favorite cookie to eat first.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Hot, Hot, Hot in Atlanta

We had another fun weekend at home. We had to beat the heat so we spent a lot of time at the pool and time out back under the sprinklers. Here are some photos of the boys playing in the backyard under the sprinklers.

Will is just loving it...

I love this picture. Will is spraying his bottom with the sprinkler and Sam just thinks it's the funniest thing ever!

Sam got Will...
Buns, buns, buns...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Fun Weekend at Home

We spent the weekend at home and enjoyed lots of outside time. The boys helped daddy with some yardwork, we went to a little league baseball game, planted our garden, spent lots of time at the pool, and played, played, played! It sure was hot...I got a few cute photos of my dirty, sweaty cute boys.

Not sure what ya'll think, but I'm thinking this photo looks a lot like little Ricky. : )

Here is Will at his tennis lesson...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Will Turns 5!!!!!!

Will is 5! I still cannot beleive it. We had his party on Wednesday morning at Chuck E. Cheese's. It's where he wanted it and he had a ball. He had about 20 friends there and they were all smiles.

Here is the birthday boy...

Playing games...
and more games...
Here is Will in the ticket blaster. Tickets were flying around and he had 30 seconds to catch as many tickets as he could. It was really cute.
Blowing out 5 candles...
Will and his buddy, Brayden, licking the icing off the candles and Star Wars action figures that were on the cake.
Sam and Pops enjoying a ride on the carousel.

Will got an iTouch for his birthday. He was so excited.
Then Sam was super excited when he found out he got an iTouch too. : ) Will was excited about that too now that he doesn't have to share.

Back to the Beach

We headed back to the beach for a week to celebrate Memorial Day. It was a super fun week. Uma and Pops were there and Daddy took most of the week off work so we were all there! Mommy and Daddy went to Princeton for the weekend while the boys stayed with Uma and Pops. I know the boys had fun... I think Uma and Pops may still be recovering. : ) Here are some fun photos from the week.
One afternoon Rich tried fly fishing on the beach. After the boys were cleaned up from a day at the beach, we walked down the beach to see Daddy. Needless to say, the boys got soaked and sandy again (we had to strip down to undies), and the boys had a great time carrying Daddy's fishing stuff back up the beach.

Playing in the pool... being thrown up in the air so fast that Sam's swimsuit came down... he thought that was so funny!
The boys went fishing on the boat...

Will is carrying all of our stuff to the boat at the marina.