Friday, June 4, 2010

Will Turns 5!!!!!!

Will is 5! I still cannot beleive it. We had his party on Wednesday morning at Chuck E. Cheese's. It's where he wanted it and he had a ball. He had about 20 friends there and they were all smiles.

Here is the birthday boy...

Playing games...
and more games...
Here is Will in the ticket blaster. Tickets were flying around and he had 30 seconds to catch as many tickets as he could. It was really cute.
Blowing out 5 candles...
Will and his buddy, Brayden, licking the icing off the candles and Star Wars action figures that were on the cake.
Sam and Pops enjoying a ride on the carousel.

Will got an iTouch for his birthday. He was so excited.
Then Sam was super excited when he found out he got an iTouch too. : ) Will was excited about that too now that he doesn't have to share.

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