Monday, November 1, 2010



Rich and I agree that watching these boys trick-or-treat was one of the best nights we have ever had with them. They were soooo excited and just so cute and sweet. I think they just couldn't believe that they could just keep going and going and getting more and more candy! They were precious!

Here is Pablo (from the Backyardigans) and the Ninja (Snake Eyes from GI Joe).
Trick-or-Treat... they insisted that they go up to the houses alone. So we stood at the curb and listened to them. At most houses, it consisted of a complete conversation such as "Did you use a drill on your pumpkin?," "I like your pumpkin." "Feel how heavy my bag is.", "Happy Halloween, Thank You, Have a Good Night!", "Does this have peanuts in it?" Some conversations went on for minutes with the homeowner in stitches. One house had a super scary skelaton at the entrance and they stood there and stared at it for a few minutes before they decided it was worth going by it to get some candy. Here are the boys looking back at us just as happy as can be...
We went trick-or-treating for a good hour and a half. They were completely worn out by the end of the night. We were only 50 yards from the house and Sam kept saying "I can't carry it (referring to his candy bag)" and "Where is our house (when it was in plain sight)?"
Here are the boys with their loot...
Time for bed...they wanted to sleep in their costumes. Will ended up changing his mind, but Sam slept as Pablo all night. : ) Good chance that he'll be Pablo a lot in the coming days! He loved his costume.

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