Monday, February 28, 2011


Happy Birthday Holland Boys Blog! Can you beleive it... 3 years of the blog? It has been a great way to keep the family updated on all that has been going on at the Holland House (and it's been a great way to keep me on top of all the photos I take of the boys). : )

Here are a few past posts that you have to check out.

The very first post...I wasn't sure the blog was going to last.

The boys at Disney two years ago.

Last Summer. My little beach bums!

Let it Snow...

Can't wait to see what to see what is to come...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Baseball Season Begins!

It's that time of! Will's first practice was this week. No more t-ball, it's now machine pitch... 35 miles per hour. Will loves it. Daddy is coaching again and we are all excited about the season. This season we are the Nationals and the first game will be March 12th. Here are a few photos of Will taking his first few pitches in practice.

Here is the team listing intently to Coach Rich. : )

Fun Weekend

We had a super fun weekend. Our friend, Matt, came to visit from Rhode Island. The weather was nice so we spent a lot of time outside playing. The boys played tennis and we even enjoyed a trip to Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield. The boys loved seeing a real cannon being shot.
The boys (with daddy's help) made a slingshot out of a bent tree and vines. This is how we spend our time at the top of Kennesaw Mountain. :) Sam is pulling back the slingshot.
Taking a little break...
Check out these cool cannons! Is there any way we can get over this fence?

Thumbs up! This game is fun.
Sam is very excited that he got the hang of hitting the tennis ball.

Sam is very tired from all the playing. He had to take a little break (and pose...a la Uncle B).
What a sweet face...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Camera out of commission...

I apologize for the lack of photos over the past few weeks! My camera is getting a tune-up. : ) I'm hoping it'll be ready in the next week. I actually even tried to take some pictures of the boys Valentine's Day parties at school today with my little camera and they didn't turn out well at all. Bummer! Hope to get some good pics your way soon.

Statesboro Fun

The boys and I went to Statesboro this past weekend to visit my childhood Swainsboro girlfriends. The boys had a great time hanging with all the kids. Here are the kiddos...

We went to an arcade, lazer tag, fun center place and the boys had a ball. Here they are trying to shoot some antelope....
A little bowling...on really small lanes. It was perfect for them!

A little more snow (last week)...

We got a little more snow last week... is it ever going to warm up?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Exciting News for the Holland Family

We have a new addition coming to our family in July! We went today for an ultrasound and got a good look at a healthy, very active little girl. She even gave us a thumbs up, had her little legs crossed, we saw her mouth moving, and she had her fists clinched just like Will and Sam clinch theirs when they sleep. Precious! Rich and I asked the doctor several times if he was sure it was a girl...he told us he was 100% sure! : ) I'm still in shock that I get to add pink to the Holland House. We are thrilled and are so excited that she's a healthy little monkey.