Thursday, February 24, 2011

Fun Weekend

We had a super fun weekend. Our friend, Matt, came to visit from Rhode Island. The weather was nice so we spent a lot of time outside playing. The boys played tennis and we even enjoyed a trip to Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield. The boys loved seeing a real cannon being shot.
The boys (with daddy's help) made a slingshot out of a bent tree and vines. This is how we spend our time at the top of Kennesaw Mountain. :) Sam is pulling back the slingshot.
Taking a little break...
Check out these cool cannons! Is there any way we can get over this fence?

Thumbs up! This game is fun.
Sam is very excited that he got the hang of hitting the tennis ball.

Sam is very tired from all the playing. He had to take a little break (and pose...a la Uncle B).
What a sweet face...

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