Friday, June 24, 2011

Rainbow's Nursery

After what Will called "a lot of work for a little baby," I think we are pretty much finished with Rainbow's nursery (except for putting up a new light fixture and a door knob). : ) I am so happy with it. I have pulled pieces together for the past 5 months and luckily they all came together nicely. Our home renovation went perfectly (we gained a new bedroom) and all the pretty, girly things were fun to put together. A big thanks to Uma for all her help too!

Here are a few snapshots of the PINK in our house. I still can't believe we have a pink room...

These prints are on the wall above the glider. The boys each painted a Rainbow for their little sister. This is one of my favorite things in the nursery!

Her changing table and dresser...

Her crib... I never found anything that I really loved in any catalogs so this creation was after lots of searching for fabrics and finding all the pieces that coordinated. Uma was planning on making all the bedding for me, but was able to find a lady in Macon that did a beautiful job. Uma made the beautiful drapery and helped with the design and creation of the bedding! : )

Ohhhh, I guess we can play the name guessing game. We have decided on a name (other than Rainbow). We were hanging the monogram and Will asked "what is that?" We explained that it was Rainbow's initials. He said "How do you know her initials if you don't know her name yet?" We hadn't mentioned her name to the boys yet so it was quite funny. Later that day when daddy got home we had a family discussion about her name. The boys love their sister's new name although I am somewhat convinced they will call her Rainbow forever. : )

This is a photo from the door when you walk in... the changing table is to your right.

That's it for now! I can't beleive we'll be rockng a little peanut in this nursery in a few short days! We are so excited for her arrival.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE IT!!!! And, pretty sure I can guess that name from the monogram! Which by the way, is the same size and color as the giant one of my girls white headboards of their poster beds! What a fun, girly and happy room :)
