Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cute, Cute Katie

The boys are in camp this morning and I decided to play dress up with my little doll, Katie. I put on a pretty dress that Uncle B and Aunt Beth gave her, put a bow in her hair, and we headed outside. I didn't realize that it was quite bright out there so she has a "concerned look" in almost all of the photos with her forehead squished up. Here are a few cute ones without the concerned look. I will post quite a few more pictures of her showing all her different expressions soon. She really put on a show.

My little angel taking a little nap ...

Do you think she got mommy's nose? : )

Sweet, happy girl!

Slip and Slide Fun

Yesterday was yet another hot, hot day. The boys had some fun out back with the little pool, slip and slide, and sprinklers.

Sam is so happy. He figured out how to get going fast enough to make it to the end of the slip and slide. He was thrilled and did it over and over and over and over again!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cute Kids

My camera was sitting on the kitchen table. The boys know that they should not play with my camera. Yesterday I walked in the kitchen and Will was "looking at" my camera. I told him to put it down and he did. Only today when I went to download some photos I see these pictures of Sam...that I did not take (good job, Will and nice posing, Sam). The boys are goof-balls.

Sleepy, sleepy Katie...

My sweet girl...

Just had to get her hanging out in her crib. Today I put her in her crib on her belly for some tummy time as I was gathering up laundry to do. When I looked back at her...she had flipped over to her back. I'm thinking that's not normal for a 2 1/2 week old.... my strong girl!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Boys!

The boys have had a lot of fun these past few weeks. They have really enjoyed their new sister, but have also enjoyed lots of fun time with grandparents and fun outside in the heat.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Katie - 2 weeks old!

Thought I would share a few more pictures of our new little cutie...

Beautiful sleepy Katie...

Check out my cute outfit that Uma made for me. : )

Nana enjoying time with Katie. We've been very lucky to have Nana here this week.

Skeptical Katie...

My kiddos...

Sleepy, sleepy girl!

Sam taking Katie for a stroll.

Little pigs, little pigs...

This photo is from the hospital... It's when daddy first held Katie. I think you can already see it - he's smitten!

Just chillin' out...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Katie's First Few Days!

Katie is 5 days old and just too cute for words. Here are a few pictures from the last few days of fun for the Holland Family!

Here is the new family photos... we are now a family of 5!
My boys with their new little princess...

Posing in her hat before we left the hospital. : )

Sam loves holding his sister. He likes to pat her head and just look at her. It's precious!

My cute kiddos!

Do these look like proud grandparents?

The boys all admiring Katie. I think they are all smitten...

Proud big brother, Will!

Ok, mom...don't you think it's a little too soon to put a bow in my hair?? I just had to do it!

Katie getting ready to leave the hospital...

Little Burrito Katie...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Katie is here!

We are so happy to announce Katie's arrival!

Katherine Grace (Katie) arrived on Friday, July 8, 2011 at 3:18pm. She was 6 lbs. 12 oz. and was 19.5 inches long.

We are all home now and doing great! She is beautiful and her brother's are being so sweet and are excited to have a little sister.

I will post lots of photos soon, but here is a sneak peak of our little Rainbow!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We had a very happy 4th of July! This was our first 4th of July celebration at home (not at the beach), but we managed to have a really fun, family weekend. Uma and Pops joined us for part of the weekend, we spent lots of time at the pool, and the boys played a little baseball with Daddy. Here are a few pictures of the festivities.

Baseball Sam...
Sam checking out the bottle of Coke that we were getting ready to explode. I guess this was our version of fireworks. : )

Daddy trying to escape the explosion...
Will getting his ammunition ready to fight Pops...

Pops can't catch me...

Happy Will!