Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Katie's First Few Days!

Katie is 5 days old and just too cute for words. Here are a few pictures from the last few days of fun for the Holland Family!

Here is the new family photos... we are now a family of 5!
My boys with their new little princess...

Posing in her hat before we left the hospital. : )

Sam loves holding his sister. He likes to pat her head and just look at her. It's precious!

My cute kiddos!

Do these look like proud grandparents?

The boys all admiring Katie. I think they are all smitten...

Proud big brother, Will!

Ok, mom...don't you think it's a little too soon to put a bow in my hair?? I just had to do it!

Katie getting ready to leave the hospital...

Little Burrito Katie...

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