Wednesday, November 16, 2011

St. B's Fun Run

Will's school had a fun run this past weekend.  It was a full mile... whew, that's a long way for little legs.  Sam was in the Tot Trot and had to do an entire lap around the school as well!  They both did great and it was a fun morning.  Here are my little runners...

 Sam is off and running... he had a HUGE smile on his face!
 Will made a sign to help cheer for Sam!
 Proud, proud Sam after the race!
Will is off on his 1 mile adventure.  After the race he said to me, "I will never in my life do that again."  I"m thinking that we don't have a distance runner on our hands. : )
 Sam made a sign and loved to cheer for Will as he ran by... all 5 times!
 Will is still trotting along...
 Will got a little boost of energy when he saw one of his friends.  They even decided to hold hands and sprint a little ways...
 Will getting a little post race snack! 
So proud of my boys!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Katie - 4 Months Old!

My little turkey Katie is 4 months old.  Here are a few snapshots of my little turkey...
 Sweet, sweet cheeks!
 "What in the world are my brothers doing?  I'm telling on them."
Little Miss Cheeks!  I think they have grown quite a bit in the last month.  : )  What a little cutie!
 "Hey, have you guys seen a cute little 4 month old around here?"
 "So, so yummy"

 "Hey, I have something to tell you..."

End of Soccer Season

We made it through our first soccer season with both boys playing.  We had a great time - very busy, but very fun!  We are already looking forward to baseball starting in March.  Here are a few photos of the last games - - Friday night and chilly!
 Will's team photo...

 Both boys getting their trophies!  This is Sam's first trophy...he was so proud!
Katie is staying bundled up and warm through it all...

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Happy Halloween!

We had a very Happy Halloween!  The boys were so excited to go trick-or-treating.  Sam couldn't wait to fill up his mailbag with candy, and Will couldn't wait to wield his sword!  What a fun night!

Here are Zorro and Mr. Mailman...
 Love the poses....
 Ok, here are a few of Little Miss Halloween... I just couldn't resist!

 My newest little pumpkin...
 Ok, what's the plan of attack?  I think we need to take a candy break and then go to some more houses.  This is awesome!!
 Sam checking to make sure he has all of his mail (I mean, candy).  : )
 The boys after trick-or-treating...can you see that they are a little hyped up on sugar.  : )
 Sam - about 5 minutes later.  He couldn't take it anymore.  The mailman was out.  : )

Will's First Soccer Tournament

Will played in his first soccer tournament this past weekend.  Games started bright and early at 8am (and it was in the 30s...brrrrrrrr!)  His team had special halloween uniforms and even painted their hair.  He loved it!  It was a 4 vs. 4 tourney - their team name was the Scream Machine! 

 Trying to keep his little hands warm...
 Katie was all bundled up and happy to be there!  : )

Lost a Front Tooth and Other Fall Fun!!

Will lost one of his front teeth!  Wow - he looks so much older.  Here is a cute picture of my little snaggletooth pumpkin...
 Katie is all ready for her first Halloween!
 Three little Holland's...
 Sam had a Halloween party at school last week.  Here is Sam, the mailman, and some of his friends.
 Little Katie hanging out...