Wednesday, November 16, 2011

St. B's Fun Run

Will's school had a fun run this past weekend.  It was a full mile... whew, that's a long way for little legs.  Sam was in the Tot Trot and had to do an entire lap around the school as well!  They both did great and it was a fun morning.  Here are my little runners...

 Sam is off and running... he had a HUGE smile on his face!
 Will made a sign to help cheer for Sam!
 Proud, proud Sam after the race!
Will is off on his 1 mile adventure.  After the race he said to me, "I will never in my life do that again."  I"m thinking that we don't have a distance runner on our hands. : )
 Sam made a sign and loved to cheer for Will as he ran by... all 5 times!
 Will is still trotting along...
 Will got a little boost of energy when he saw one of his friends.  They even decided to hold hands and sprint a little ways...
 Will getting a little post race snack! 
So proud of my boys!

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