Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day at the Hunting Club

We had a fun family day at the hunting club.   It was a nice day cruising around, cooking out, and hanging out with family!
 K just hanging out...
 Levy just hanging out...

Will could not be happier... on a 4wheeler with Uncle B!

Fall Fun - Leaves, Legos, and Running...

Lots of fun in November...

 Such a good day at LEGOLAND...  Sam was in Lego Heaven!

St. B's had their annual 1mile fun run.  Here is Runner Sam!

 Where are my boys?

Soccer Will

Will had a great soccer season!  Here is my little soccer player...


Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!  This year I was blessed with a ninja, an astronaut, and a yellow jacket!  What a combo!  You hear about family's that coordinate their costumes, but that is just not for us.  We have strong opinions about what we want to be and why...  Will loves his 6 weapons that go along with his ninja costume and Sam loves his boots & jetpack (that Uma & Pops made).  I guess it's all about the accessories.  : )  Katie I think loves her hair bow antennae.  : )
Here are my little monsters....

Flash forward to the end of the night... here are two boys hyped up on lots of candy and so happy to be running around the neighborhood with their friends.

Katie Yellow Jacket....
 Cute, cute candy bags (hand-made by Uma)...

Sweet Katie enjoying her wagon ride around the neighborhood...

Late, late night....just ready to go upstairs to bed.  Sleepy Bee!

 Jet Pack, Sam!

Strike a Pose...


We got GIANT pumpkins at the Rock Ranch and had a super fun timing making awesome jack-o-lanterns.  The boys designed their faces and then mom and dad helped carve them... then the boys enjoyed putting the final touches on the jack-o-lantern with a power drill.

 Katie just hanging out...
 Power drilling Mr. Pumpkin...


Soccer Sam


Sam had a great season playing soccer.  Here are a few pictures from practice, his trophy, and a game! 
Soccer Sam... 

Baby sister, Katie, hanging out at the soccer fields.... I wonder how much of this she will be doing with 2 older brothers.  : )

 Sam at his last game this season...

WOW! Lots to catch up on...

I think in almost 5 years of posting pictures of all the things we are up to... this is the longest I have gone without posting.   I have so many posts/activities to catch up on.  My goal is to get them all here before Christmas.  I think I can do it.  : )  I'll start today and try to get the rest of our October events posted...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Rock Ranch - Part 2

Here are a few more pictures from the Rock Ranch a few weeks ago.  These photos are on Aunt Beth's blog (she is the fab photographer), but I just had to post them as well b/c I love them!  Enjoy!

The Youmans/Holland crew...Party of 10!

Will and his Uncle B...  he's a happy, happy kid when he's with his uncle.
 The cousins....

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Katie Pumpkin

Had a little fun taking pictures of Katie yesterday... 

 Any candy in there?

The Rock Ranch

We had a fun fall day at the Rock Ranch with family and friends!  It was a fun day with Uma, Pops, Uncle B, Aunt Beth, Levy, and the Perkins/Maleskis!    Here is some of the fun...
Jump, Jump, Jump!

 Katie checking out the Ranch!
 The B's and cute Levy hanging out at the campfire...

Ziplining....yikes!  Yep, Will went ziplining.  Pops bravely went with him.  Will loved it and felt like such a big kid!
Pops and Will zooming down the line...

 Uma and K...

 Taking a little break on a pumpkin... she's pooped out after a long day!