Monday, December 17, 2012

Happy Halloween!!

Happy Halloween!  This year I was blessed with a ninja, an astronaut, and a yellow jacket!  What a combo!  You hear about family's that coordinate their costumes, but that is just not for us.  We have strong opinions about what we want to be and why...  Will loves his 6 weapons that go along with his ninja costume and Sam loves his boots & jetpack (that Uma & Pops made).  I guess it's all about the accessories.  : )  Katie I think loves her hair bow antennae.  : )
Here are my little monsters....

Flash forward to the end of the night... here are two boys hyped up on lots of candy and so happy to be running around the neighborhood with their friends.

Katie Yellow Jacket....
 Cute, cute candy bags (hand-made by Uma)...

Sweet Katie enjoying her wagon ride around the neighborhood...

Late, late night....just ready to go upstairs to bed.  Sleepy Bee!

 Jet Pack, Sam!

Strike a Pose...

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