Thursday, February 23, 2012

Play Ball!

It's that time of year again... spring is in the air and it's time to play ball!  This year we have double the amount to cheer for - we have 2 boys playing baseball with daddy coaching both teams!  Wow!  We are excited about our life at the ballpark for the next several months.  :) 

Here are the boys all geared up and ready to go to their first practice!
Sam's first baseball practice ever!  He had the biggest smile on his face.  He's playing t-ball this year and his team is just too cute!
After being at the park for about 3 hours the boys were still going strong and happy as can be to be there! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Things that make mommy smile...

I was looking through some pictures on my phone and I found this from Christmas at the beach... a note in the sand from Will.  This puts a big smile on my face.  :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

More Katie Pictures

Since I can't slow the boys down enough to get a picture of them these days... I guess Katie is going to have to keep posing.  : )

Little Miss Serious Blue Eyes... 
 I so love my binkie (just like my bros did)...
 Could my smile be any bigger?  I think it's about to take over my face...
 just a happy, happy girl!  Check out my Grammy made it. : )

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Little Katie Holland is 7 Months Old!!

Can you believe how quickly time is just flying by?  My little Katie is already 7 months old.  I took a few pics of her this week and every shot was a different little "Katie" expression.  Here are a few of my favorites.

This is just her sweet, sweet face...
 Her new big, big grin.  I'm pretty sure she knows she's being cute when she does this.  She likes to cut her eyes at you and then give you this big grin.  She's already wrapping daddy around her little finger with this one...
 Who did you say is 7 months old?  It can't be me...
 Oh yes it's me! 
 oh yeah, did you see my cheeks?  I want to make sure you see my cheeks.
 I see you...
 Did I get my binkie in right?  I'm thinking it may be upside down.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Remember this Car?

Talk about a car with a lot of miles on it... Katie has arrived!  She gets to drive the red car now.  I cannot tell you how far that car has been pushed around and how many hours have been logged sitting in it.   The boys always loved it and Katie seemed to like it too.  She was particularly interested in the key...

Here she is...

 The Holland Kid Train... choo choo!
 Pretty little Pats fan...
Even though the game didn't end how we wished it would, we had a fun day gearing up for the game!  Go Pats!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Holland Kids have a Cousin!!!

Welcome Baby Levy!!!  Aunt Beth and Uncle B had a beautful baby boy yesterday, Feb. 6th.   He was 6 lbs, 15 oz and 20 3/4 inches long!   He is absolutely beautiful and perfect.  The Holland Fam could not be more excited.  We can't wait to get this little guy into the mix of all the familly kid craziness!!!