Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Fun Random December Pics...

I realized that I had some really fun photos on my phone from Christmas time.  Here are a few of my favorites.
Will reading a book to his baby sister before he goes to school...

I had to take pictures of the boys Christmas Lists.  Sam wrote down every Lego set that he ever wished for.   The list is sooooo long (the two pics below).  He at least put stars next to his favorite sets.  : )  Will's list is the third picture below.  Too Cute!

 Christmas Katie...
 Katie hugging the Christmas decorations.
 Will all decked out in his skate gear.
 Katie admiring her "baby" Levy!  She's just waiting to get her hands on him - you can see it in her eyes. : )

Little Snow Angel, Katie. Thanks, Auntie JoJo for the super awesome dress.
 Sam and his big Lego Set...
 Katie just chillin' out...
 Katie posing at a fun lunch with Daddy.  Wow, that was a yummy chocolate chip cookie!
 Sam reading a book to his little sis!  She could not be happier.

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