Thursday, November 14, 2013


Harry Potter, Sir Sam, Tinkerbelle...oh my!  We had a fun night trick-or-treating in the 'hood.  We enjoyed pizza with the neighborhood crew before the kids ran like wildfire collecting candy.  Katie got the hang of it and wanted to keep trick-or-treating.  Sam was so sweet and helped her along the way (she did not want mommy or daddy coming with her...only bubbas).  :)
Sir Sam.  What a handsome knight!

 Tink doing a dance...
 Harry Potter...

Neighborhood group...

Sweet Tink...
 I want to go there....

Candy sorting at the end of the night!

The Rock Ranch

It has become a family tradition to spend a day out at the Rock Ranch in October!  We had perfect weather and enjoyed some good old fashioned family fun. 
The cousins...

 Roasting marshmallows...

Enjoying Doritos (aka Orange chips)

 I love these big smiles... (even without the front teeth).
 More big smiles...

Sammy helping his little sister up the hill.

Levy enjoying a ride...

I have a the cutest nephew ever!   Thanks Beth for the picture.  : )


The Youmans/Holland family...

Will having a blast playing beach volleyball.

October Fun

We enjoyed a night at the Botanical Gardens with the Princeton Club of Georgia... here are daddy's little Tigers!

 Katie on Farmer Day...E-I-E-I-O!

The kiddos and their carved masterpieces...
K just hanging out and playing...

 Will was an acolyte at school for chapel.  Too sweet!

Will's Harry Potter pumpkin that he decorated at school.  It was in the front office of the school for all of October!

Fall Break - Part 4: Magic Kingdom

It really was a magical day.  Katie is still talking about her wave from Jasmine, high five from Chip and Dale, Dumbo, and many other things... Will and Sam had fun on the big Kid rides and enjoyed It's a Small World and Dumbo as much as Katie did.  : )
Holland's on Main Street USA.
Best Ice Cream Ever...

Boys are chillin' out on the carousel...

 Katie and Minnie taking a break.
Hmmmmm, what can we do next?

Katie's first view of Cinderella's castle.

In awe watching the show with some of the characters...

Katie sharing with her big bro... Sam could not be happier.  : )