Thursday, November 14, 2013

Fall Break - Part 2: Disney

We had such a fun trip to Orlando.  Katie was in awe of all the princesses, Cinderella's castle, carousels, and high fives from characters in the parade (specifically Chip and Dale....aka: Chicken Dale).  The boys were excited to ride the big scary ride and were very sweet to their sister and enjoyed things for her as well!  We were joined by all the Grandparents so that made it even more of a special time... Grammy, Grampy, Nana, Uma, and Pops were all in tow!  Of course another highlight was swimming at Grammy and Grampy's after a long day at the park.
We went to Universal Studios on Day 1.  The boys were so excited to see the Harry Potter section.  Pictures in the next post...
Day 2 we went to the Magic Kingdom.  It was magical.  :)  Pictures in the next post...
Day 3 we went to Animal Kingdom.  It's always a favorite with the safari, Kali River Rapids, and Everest!  
" Horse goes up and down..."
 Katie after a day at the park.  This was probably about 3 minutes after loading her into the car...

The road to the World Series was here in Orlando... Team Red Sox South cheered them on the whole way.  :)

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