Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School - Sam!!

Today is Sam's First Day of School! I can't beleive he's in the big 3 year old class. He'll be going 3 mornings a week. He did such a great job this morning. He was a little hesitant, but didn't cry. He made sure to ask "Mommy, when are you coming to get me?" I gave him the same answer he has heard for the past 2 years... "I'll be here right after lunch." He's just too cute!

Here is the little school boy...
Both of mommy's boys heading off to school ... I can't beleive they are such big boys.
Sweet, sweet Sam!
Happy, happy Sam!

Ice Cream and Recovery

Will had his surgery this past Friday and did great! He was so brave and such a little trooper. We took it easy all weekend - Lots of movies and ice cream! : ) Here are the boys enjoying an ice cream break on Saturday!
On Sunday, we decided to venture out to an Ice Cream Festival in Roswell. They had 150 different ice creams you could sample! Here is Will enjoying one of his samples.
They even had a firetruck at the are Fireman Will and Fireman Sam!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A few photos...

We are in week 2 of kindergarten and all is well. Will is still loving to go each morning. Sam and I were able to join in Will's school chapel service this morning. It was a sweet service - I love hearing all the kids sing. : ) Here is a pic of Will this morning. The boys got permission to wear shorts on chapel days since it's still over 90 degrees. Had to get a pic of the monkey in shorts and a tie. Too cute...

Last weekend we made a lovely house out of boxes and zip ties. The boys wanted to paint it ... so they got to work yesterday!
Will had to paint the chimney...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kindergarten - Day 2!

Here is the little munchkin getting ready for Day 2 of school. : ) I had to get another photo of his "everyday" uniform. He was dressed in his chapel uniform on the first day of school (he'll have to wear that outfit once a week). I asked Will what his favorite thing about his first day was and he said "everything." I'm not sure if he really meant that or he was just tired off all the questioning. I think his Daddy answers me the same way. :) I guess the best measure is that he was happy last night and was ready to go again this morning.

He just got home from Day 2 and had another fun day. He was most excited about getting his 2 recesses in today.

I think he's lookin' too cool for school.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Will's First Day of Kindergarten!

Today is Will's First Day of Kindergarten! Wow! As you can see by the pictures, Will was so handsome in his uniform. He was so excited this morning. We dropped him off in the carpool lane and he hopped out with his backpack and said "Bye, Sam" "Bye, Sam" "love you" "love you" (we think the love you's were directed to mommy and daddy) and off he went. I blew him a kiss and he smiled and blew one back! He immediatly starting talking to the teacher who got him out of the car about the cool straps on his backpack. : ) We saw him walk into the building and drove off. Then mommy got a little teary eyed. : ) Daddy was making fun of me, but I am quite sure that his eyes were not completely dry either. Our little boy just looked so grown up and ready for a day a school. Wooooo - I'm still emotional.

Here is the handsome little Kindergartener....

Styling with his camo backpack. : )

I'm not so sure that Sam was sure about all that was going on this morning.

We went to a sweet chapel service this morning at Will's school. Will was sitting with his class and it was really cute. During the chapel service they sang a few songs, learned a bible story and had their backpacks (and those who carry them) blessed. It was really sweet. Here is a quick snapshot of Will leaving chapel with his class.

Bubbles, Bubbles Everywhere!

The boys had fun last night in a bubble bath. They loved that the bubbles kept growing and growing when we turned on the jets. : ) The bubbles almost took over.

Where are my boys?
Just call me, Mr. Bubbles.
Will loved getting buried by the bubbles. He kept saying, "Hey Dad, I need a little help here." : ) Daddy came to the rescue with the snow shovel. He dug the boys out and threw the bubbles in the shower.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Baseball Sam

I just had to post a series of Sam pictures because they just crack me up. These photos show so much of Sam's fun little personality. We were outside playing ball and he wore just his undies and his favorite clothing item of all time, his rain boots! I think his facial expressions in these photos tell the whole story of what is going through his mind. : )

Wow, I'm impressed with my hit...
This baseball thing is pretty fun.
Did I hit it? Man, that ball was coming in fast.
I've got the hang of this now...
Very, very serious batting stance...
Yippee...I think I hit it.
This was not nice of me to snap a photo, but I just had to... Sam is in time out for throwing the bat.... priceless photo of the little booger! : )

On an unrelated note, but a very funny story about something Sam said... yesterday morning we are all laying in our bed talking about our day and Sam's back was to Will. Will was talking and Sam said (in a most aggitated voice), "Mommy, Will's talk is getting on me!" We think he meant that he didn't like that Will's breath was hitting his back while Will was talking. It was too much.

Will Playing Ball with Daddy

Here are the photos of Will getting ready to smack the ball... he is the happiest kid ever when he's playing ball! He loves playing with this big blue bat because he can hit them "out of the park."

IMAX and Varsity

We had a fun morning out in the city this week. I took the boys and one of Will's friend's, Brayden, to Fernbank to see the Bugs in the Rainforest IMAX movie and then to the Varsity for lunch. We had a ball!

Here are the boys in the theater before the movie started...

What'll ya have?

Hot, Hot, Hot in SSI

We spent a long weekend at the beach at the beginning of the month. It was hot, hot, hot, but we had a great time. We spent a lot of fun time with Uma and Pops. Daddy flew down for the weekend, so it was great! We spent lots of time in the water to stay cool. The boys loved playing on their new big floats.

Here is Will taking a little break. I had to get a shot of this...I don't see him sitting down that often! : )
Sam staying cool on his new float!
Will loves his skimboard...