Sunday, August 8, 2010

Baseball Sam

I just had to post a series of Sam pictures because they just crack me up. These photos show so much of Sam's fun little personality. We were outside playing ball and he wore just his undies and his favorite clothing item of all time, his rain boots! I think his facial expressions in these photos tell the whole story of what is going through his mind. : )

Wow, I'm impressed with my hit...
This baseball thing is pretty fun.
Did I hit it? Man, that ball was coming in fast.
I've got the hang of this now...
Very, very serious batting stance...
Yippee...I think I hit it.
This was not nice of me to snap a photo, but I just had to... Sam is in time out for throwing the bat.... priceless photo of the little booger! : )

On an unrelated note, but a very funny story about something Sam said... yesterday morning we are all laying in our bed talking about our day and Sam's back was to Will. Will was talking and Sam said (in a most aggitated voice), "Mommy, Will's talk is getting on me!" We think he meant that he didn't like that Will's breath was hitting his back while Will was talking. It was too much.

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