Monday, August 9, 2010

Will's First Day of Kindergarten!

Today is Will's First Day of Kindergarten! Wow! As you can see by the pictures, Will was so handsome in his uniform. He was so excited this morning. We dropped him off in the carpool lane and he hopped out with his backpack and said "Bye, Sam" "Bye, Sam" "love you" "love you" (we think the love you's were directed to mommy and daddy) and off he went. I blew him a kiss and he smiled and blew one back! He immediatly starting talking to the teacher who got him out of the car about the cool straps on his backpack. : ) We saw him walk into the building and drove off. Then mommy got a little teary eyed. : ) Daddy was making fun of me, but I am quite sure that his eyes were not completely dry either. Our little boy just looked so grown up and ready for a day a school. Wooooo - I'm still emotional.

Here is the handsome little Kindergartener....

Styling with his camo backpack. : )

I'm not so sure that Sam was sure about all that was going on this morning.

We went to a sweet chapel service this morning at Will's school. Will was sitting with his class and it was really cute. During the chapel service they sang a few songs, learned a bible story and had their backpacks (and those who carry them) blessed. It was really sweet. Here is a quick snapshot of Will leaving chapel with his class.

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