Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fall Has Arrived!

We enjoyed the afternoon outside today after school. The weather was so nice. Maybe fall has finally arrived? Here are a few photos of the boys on the playground.

My tree hugger, Sam...

Goofy Boys!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chilly Morning

Finally we had a little taste of fall this was 57 degrees when Will left for school. He was excited to wear his school sweater. Of course, it'll still be 80 degrees this afternoon so he sported the sweater with his shorts. : ) Here is my little school boy - I think he's still half asleep.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What a Wonderful Life!!!

Just had to post this because it makes me happy.... (same pic as post below...just loved the closeup of my boys!) the Backyard!

The boys got Daddy a tent for Father's Day and they are finally able to use it. They are camping in the backyard tonight. They were so excited and as of 9:45pm...they are still outside. I can't wait to hear all about it.

They decided that this was a "man-town" activity. Will and Sam said that next time they will want me to join them...after they know what it is like and they can tell me all about it. : )

Here are my camping boys after we set up the tent this afternoon...

I guess this is hi-tech camping... Itouches, headphones, music, and games...

Sam is putting batteries in the flashlight. We must be prepared!!!!

Will bringing out drinks for the camping party...
More hi-tech camping...headphones and all. I think they were just super excited that they were able to play with their itouches (they don't get them that often). : )

Soccer Under the Lights

Will had a soccer game Friday night. Here are some photos of the fun...

btw, I only took 1 of these photos. The rest were taken by another mom on the team....she took some amazing photos.

Here is Will and his friend, Hames, at half time. They were pooped!

Here is the lone pic that I took... Will was taking a break before the game.
Sam is really enjoying the game... : )

Fun at practice this week. Will is getting ready for a drill.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Pool Day

When I picked Will up from school today, his teacher said that he had the best day ever! She said he was so well behaved and had such great manners. So, Will got to pick what we did this afternoon. His choice...the pool! I'm so proud of my little Kindergartener! Here are my little fish...

Tough Guys

Here are my good ol' Georgia Boys. Never in a million years did I think my New Hampshire born and raised hubby would drive a truck...but it happened! He took the plunge and got a new truck. He truly is a Georgia Boy now. : ) I'm not sure who likes the truck more - Rich or the two boys. The boys love hanging out in the truck with dad listening to music ("jamming out" as they call it) or throwing stuff around in the back of the truck. These are tricks that I think they learned from their Uncle B (especially Will's picture posing skills).

Still Having Summer Fun

We were able to enjoy another summer weekend at home. It's still so hot that the water games in the backyard are continuing. Here are some photos of the fun...

My boys!


The boys were trying to hit the water from the hose with a bat...

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Soccer Season Begins!

Today was Will's first soccer game. He enjoyed playing and did a great job. His team name is Galaxy. That's actually a pretty good team name - there are 30 teams in U-6 (the 4-5 year olds) in the Smyrna Soccer League. There are some interesting team names. : )

Here is Will warming up before the game...
Just checking things out...

Taking a break! Man, it was hot!

Action photo of Will going for the ball. His soccer skills are really coming along...we just have to remind him not to be so agressive. He probably would have been red carded today if there were real refs. : )
Here is Sam after the game. He was hot and ready to get home... can you tell?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Labor Day

We had a great long weekend at SSI to celebrate Labor Day! Will had Friday, Monday and Tuesday off school so we had a fun-filled vacation at the beach!

Once in a while I ask the boys to pose for a photo. I keep thinking that one day I will get a spectaclar, posed "magazine-cover worthy" photo of the boys together. Although, I don't get that magazine cover photo, I get photos like this of what I think are the two cutest personalities ever...

"Mom, really? Do we really need to pose with our shovels? We are sooooo busy right now! Ok, take it quick and I'll give you my best pose."
"...and we are off with our shovels to do some real work! Thank goodness we got that photo taken care of."
How handsome is my little boy?
Uma and Sam enjoying some beach time!
The boys looking for little green frogs...
The boys enjoyed playing paddleball ... love the big smiles!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Little Farmers

We planted a little garden this summer and had a lot of fun with it. We grew tomatoes, squash, corn, sunflowers, and watermelon (all things the boys picked out at the beginning of the summer). We had been eyeing a HUGE watermelon to pick for the weekend and it busted open. The boys were so bummed. We decided to go ahead and pick a smaller one (the one Will is holding) to take to the beach. Here are the boys with the two kinds of watermelons we grew. We just planted pumpkins for the fall - we'll see how that goes. :)