Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Happy Labor Day

We had a great long weekend at SSI to celebrate Labor Day! Will had Friday, Monday and Tuesday off school so we had a fun-filled vacation at the beach!

Once in a while I ask the boys to pose for a photo. I keep thinking that one day I will get a spectaclar, posed "magazine-cover worthy" photo of the boys together. Although, I don't get that magazine cover photo, I get photos like this of what I think are the two cutest personalities ever...

"Mom, really? Do we really need to pose with our shovels? We are sooooo busy right now! Ok, take it quick and I'll give you my best pose."
"...and we are off with our shovels to do some real work! Thank goodness we got that photo taken care of."
How handsome is my little boy?
Uma and Sam enjoying some beach time!
The boys looking for little green frogs...
The boys enjoyed playing paddleball ... love the big smiles!

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